Ask the Authors: Friday

Any parting thoughts as the Charis Connection goes on hiatus?
Have a great summer! -lisa samson
A wealth of great information has been posted on Charis Connection over the past couple of years, so I hope people won’t forget that the archives are available right here at the click of a button. -Deborah Raney
I’ll miss the interaction with the readers of this blog. For those who read it because they are pursuing the publishing of a novel, I wish you great success. — Robin Lee Hatcher
Angie and BJ have carried quite a load with the Charis Connection, and I believe their efforts have served to touch many. I will always be grateful for their willingness to add to their busy schedules, and I deeply appreciate them. -Hannah Alexander
If you come here because you want to write, take that part of the day that you’d usually spend here, and put words on paper. Novelists think of themselves as architects, but they are not – they’re bricklayers. Novels are built one word at a time. Start laying down words; you may surprise yourself with what you’ve produced. You probably will. – Tom Morrisey
Enjoy the writing ... and share the gift. -BJ Hoff
A verse for those of us called to this sometimes frightening, often frustrating but always marvelous task of writing:
“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.” Psalm 138:8 - Ann Tatlock
Just how grateful I am for all involved in the blog and all who've stopped in to read our thoughts. God's best to you this summer, all! - Karen B.
I miss you guys! I'm looking forward to hearing your words of wisdom again soon.
I've never been so excited for Labor Day!
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