Ask the Authors: Wednesday

If you could change one thing about your writing career, what would you change?
Nothing. The things I wish were different are out of my control. lisa samson
Nada. In the sovereignty of God, I am where I am supposed to be. I've learned from my mistakes and I've been thrilled with my blessings. --Angela Hunt
Oh, wow! What a question! I trust that everything that’s happened in my career has happened for a reason, and I’ve enjoyed and felt loyalty toward each publisher I’ve worked with. But I suppose if I could change anything, it would be to stay “married” to one publisher, to write all my books for the same publishing house, never having to feel disloyal to one when I’m writing (or promoting or signing books) for another. -Deborah Raney
If I could go back and do things over, I would have left my secular publishers sooner to write for the CBA. As much as I loved many things about writing my historical romances, it wasn’t until I came to the CBA that I found my true voice and a greater passion for the stories I am now able to tell. — Robin Lee Hatcher
I can think of nothing I would change. I believe my life is God-controlled in spite of the bad decisions I make, and to have it any other way would be to miss out on the blessings He intended for me and for my readers. --Hannah Alexander
I’d sell better. – Tom Morrisey
I would have started sooner. -BJ Hoff
How much I worried about it. It never added anything. -- Rene Gutteridge
It would be a great and wonderful thing to have more readers! - Ann Tatlock
That my call was to train dogs, not write books. JUST kidding. Well...sorta. But what I'd really change is missing deadlines. That puts so much pressure on everyone--the editor, folks in house, design, marketing, sales...not to mention what the guilt does to me. So I'd not only meet my deadlines, I'd be early! Karen B.
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